Get on the move, make it habit for new Lifestyle

1.Eat a variety of foods

For good health we need more than 30+ differnet nutrients and no single food can supply them all. it is not about a single meal, it is about a balanced food choices over time that will make a difference! A high-fat meal could be followed by a low-fat dinner. After a large protine portion at dinner,perhps fish should be next day's choice?

2.Enjoy plenty of fruits and vegetables.

Fruits and vegetable are among the most important foods for giving us enough vitmins,minerals and fibre. We should try to eat at least 5 servings a day. For Example, glass of fresh fruit juice as breakfast,perhaps an apple or an orange as snacks.

3.Reduce salt and Sugar intake

A High salt intake can result in high blood pressure and increase the risk of cardivascular disease.There are different ways to reduce salt in the diet, when cooking, salt can be substituted with spices, increasing the variety of flavours and tastes. When eating, it helps not to add salt before tasting. Sugar provides sweetness and an attractive taste, but sugary foods and drinks are rich in energy, and are best enjoyed in moderation, as an occasional treats. We could use fruits instead, even to sweeten our foods and drinks.

4.Drink plenty of fluids

Adults need to drink at least 1.5 liters of fluid a day! Or more if it's very hot or they are physically active. Water is the best source and we can use tap or mineral water, sparkling ot non-sparkling, plain or flavoured. Fruit juices, tea, soft drinks, milk andother drinks, can all be okay- from time to time.

5.Start Now! And keep changing gradually.

Gradual changes in our lifestyle are easier to maintain than major changes introduced all at once. For three days, we could write down the foods and drinks we consume throughout the days and make a note of the amount of movement we made. It won't be difficult to spot where we could improve:
few fruits and vegetable to start with, we can introduce ine extra piece a day.
Favourite foods high in fat? Eliminiting them abruptly could fire back, and make us return to the lid habits. We can choose low fat options to instead, eat them less frequently, and in smaller portions.
Too little activity? Using the stairs daily could be a great forst move.
